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Origin Protocol (ONG) Price Prediction 2024, 2025, 2030, 2035 | Is ONG Worth Holding IN 2024?

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Origin Protocol (ONG) Price Prediction 2024, 2025, 2030, 2035 | Is ONG Worth Holding IN 2024?


Growing Influence of Cryptocurrencies Globally

Cryptocurrencies have profoundly transformed the financial landscape over the past decade, evolving from a niche technology into a major financial force. This transformation is driven by the inherent advantages of blockchain technology, including decentralization, transparency, and security. Cryptocurrencies have opened up new avenues for investment, financial inclusion, and innovative financial products. They have also spurred the development of decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which are reshaping traditional financial and economic systems.

Introduction to Origin Protocol (OGN)

Among the many cryptocurrencies making waves in the market, Origin Protocol (OGN) stands out due to its innovative approach to integrating DeFi and NFTs. Origin Protocol aims to bring NFTs and decentralized finance to mainstream users, leveraging unique tools and partnerships. Origin Protocol has two primary products: Origin Story, which focuses on NFTs, and Origin Dollar (OUSD), a stablecoin with innovative yield-generation mechanisms. This article will delve into the details of Origin Protocol, its significance, and its potential as an investment, providing price predictions for 2024, 2025, 2030, and 2035.

Cryptocurrency Overview

What Is Origin Protocol (OGN)?

Origin Protocol develops web3 technologies with the intention of bringing NFTs and DeFi to the masses. Its unique tooling and diverse partnerships are key to achieving these goals. Origin Protocol has two flagship products: Origin Story (governed by OGN) and Origin Dollar (governed by OGV).

Origin Story is a white-label NFT marketplace solution that works with disruptors in various sectors by leveraging NFTs. The platform hosts NFT marketplaces and tools across multiple industries, including real estate, profile pictures, music, art, and entertainment. Some of its notable partners include Roofstock onChain, Pudgy Penguins, Sappy Seals, Paris Hilton, 3LAU, BT, Inspiration4, and The Doge Pound. Origin Story aims to provide a comprehensive approach to investing in NFTs, targeting a wide range of industries rather than focusing on one area.

Origin Dollar (OUSD) is a fully collateralized stablecoin that does not require staking or lock-up periods and automatically accrues yield to user wallets. Yield is earned through blue-chip DeFi protocols such as Curve, Convex, Compound, and Aave. OUSD’s unique rebasing mechanic ensures that user wallets accrue yield, while funds held in smart contracts act as a multiplier on users’ yield. Origin Dollar Governance (OGV) is the governance token for OUSD, used to vote on collateral allocations across DeFi pools and accrues value through the stablecoin protocol’s revenue.

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Who Are the Founders of Origin Protocol?

Origin Protocol was founded by Josh Fraser and Matthew Liu. Josh Fraser has been coding since childhood and has been involved in the crypto industry since 2011. He founded the web optimization company Torbit, which was later acquired by Walmart Labs. Matthew Liu, a Stanford engineering alumnus, has been involved in crypto since 2014 and participated in the Ethereum crowd-sale in 2014. The founding engineer, Yu Pan, is a former co-founder of PayPal and an ex-Google executive. The protocol’s lead investor is Pantera Capital, with other notable investors including Foundation Capital, Blocktower, Steve Chen (founder of YouTube), Alexis Ohanian (co-founder of Reddit), and Garry Tan (partner at Y Combinator).

What Makes Origin Protocol Token Unique?

Origin Protocol aims to unlock value in crypto-centric opportunities across several verticals. Origin Story marketplaces grant creators and collectors more control over their content and digital products. Each white-label marketplace offers an integrated data analytics dashboard, aggregated marketplace listings, streamlined buying experiences, and custom aesthetics aligned with the client’s brand. Origin Story’s NFT tooling offers ways for brands to utilize NFTs uniquely, supporting token-gated access, soulbound tokens, various file formats, NFT auctions, and more. To reach a larger user base, Story marketplaces support Polygon, and Origin is actively evaluating other scaling solutions.

Another key part of Origin Protocol is its stablecoin, Origin Dollar (OUSD). This fully collateralized stablecoin does not require staking or lock-up periods and automatically accrues yield to user wallets. Yield is earned through blue-chip DeFi protocols such as Curve, Convex, Compound, and Aave, yet it earns higher APYs due to its unique rebasing mechanic. Only user wallets accrue yield, so funds held in smart contracts act as a multiplier on users’ yield.

How Many Origin Protocol (OGN) Coins Are There in Circulation?

The Origin Token (OGN) is the governance and value accrual token for the entire Origin Platform. Token holders can vote on proposals such as adding/removing new types of yield-earning strategies, allocating capital across a basket of strategies, determining protocol fees, and setting ongoing incentives. Ten percent of the yields generated by OUSD are collected as a fee and used to buy back OGN. OGN holders benefit from OUSD supply expansion, as higher OUSD supply results in increased fees that flow to OGN holders.

The total supply of OGN is 1 billion, distributed as follows:

  • Advisor Sale: 4.38% at $0.0685
  • Strategic Sale: 23.75% at $0.12
  • CoinList Sale: 4.84% at $0.1364
  • Team tokens: 20.24%
  • Advisor Grants: 1.69%
  • Foundation Reserves: 31.37%
  • Ecosystem Growth Funds: 12.99%
  • Long-term Partnerships: 0.73%

How Is the Origin Protocol Network Secured?

OGN is an ERC-20 token on Ethereum, ensuring it benefits from the robust security features of the Ethereum blockchain. Origin Protocol is on a continuous path toward decentralization and is currently in the second of four phases of decentralization. However, decentralization efforts are focused on the protocol itself and do not extend to centralized applications like peer-to-peer payments or debit cards built on OUSD.

Origin Protocol (OGN) Price Predictions by Year

Below is a table of predicted maximum, average, and minimum prices for Origin Protocol (OGN) from the current year up to 2035:

YearMaximum Price ($)Average Price ($)Minimum Price ($)

Detailed Yearly Predictions


Maximum Price: $0.8 | Average Price: $0.5 | Minimum Price: $0.1

In 2024, Origin Protocol is expected to gain more traction as the DeFi and NFT sectors continue to evolve. Factors influencing the price include:

  • Market Trends: The overall growth of the crypto market and increasing adoption of blockchain technology.
  • Technological Advancements: Improvements in the Ethereum network and further development of Origin Protocol’s products.
  • Partnerships: Potential collaborations with other blockchain projects and mainstream companies.
  • Market Sentiment: Increased interest in DeFi and NFTs, driving demand for OGN.


Maximum Price: $1.0 | Average Price: $0.8 | Minimum Price: $0.7

By 2025, Origin Protocol could solidify its position in the DeFi and NFT spaces. Key factors include:

  • User Base Growth: Expanding the number of active users and partnerships.
  • Product Development: Introduction of new features and enhancements in Origin Story and OUSD.
  • Economic Integration: Enhanced utility of OGN in various DeFi applications and NFT marketplaces.
  • Regulatory Environment: Favorable regulations for blockchain technology and digital assets.


Maximum Price: $1.9 | Average Price: $1.4 | Minimum Price: $1.1

In 2030, Origin Protocol might be a well-established player in the blockchain ecosystem. Influential factors include:

  • Technological Maturity: Advanced blockchain technology and seamless integration with other platforms.
  • Community Engagement: Strong community support and active participation in governance.
  • Global Reach: Wider adoption across different regions and industries.
  • Economic Stability: A robust and self-sustaining economic model within the Origin Protocol ecosystem.


Maximum Price: $3.0 | Average Price: $2.6 | Minimum Price: $2.0

By 2035, Origin Protocol could be at the forefront of the DeFi and NFT sectors, influencing both digital finance and virtual asset markets. Factors to consider:

  • Long-Term Adoption: Continued growth in user base and broader acceptance of blockchain-based solutions.
  • Innovative Features: Persistent updates and unique offerings keeping the platform relevant.
  • Interoperability: Seamless integration with various blockchain networks and platforms.
  • Sustainability: A self-sustaining ecosystem with strong governance and economic policies.

Buying Guide

How to Buy Origin Protocol (OGN)

Purchasing Origin Protocol is a straightforward process, similar to acquiring other cryptocurrencies. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Choosing an Exchange:
  • Origin Protocol is available on several exchanges, including Binance and KuCoin. Select an exchange that best suits your needs in terms of fees, security, and user interface.
  1. Setting Up an Account:
  • Once you’ve chosen an exchange, set up an account. This typically involves providing personal information and going through a verification process.
  1. Selecting Payment Methods:
  • After your account is set up and verified, link a payment method. Most exchanges accept bank transfers, credit cards, and sometimes even PayPal.
  1. Purchasing Origin Protocol:
  • Navigate to the market section of the exchange, search for OGN, and execute your purchase order. You can choose between market orders, limit orders, or stop orders depending on your trading strategy.
  1. Storing Origin Protocol Securely:
  • After purchasing OGN, store it securely. While you can keep it in your exchange wallet, a more secure option is to transfer it to a private wallet, like a hardware wallet, especially if you’re planning to hold it long-term.

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How Can Crypto Investors Use Origin Protocol (OGN)?

There are several ways crypto investors can utilize Origin Protocol:

  1. Buy and Hold:
  • Purchase OGN and hold onto it, hoping its value will increase over time. This strategy is suitable for investors who believe in the long-term potential of Origin Protocol and want to accumulate as many tokens as possible.
  1. Trade:
  • Actively trade OGN on cryptocurrency exchanges, buying and selling as the price fluctuates. This approach requires more knowledge and understanding of the market but can be profitable for experienced traders.
  1. Use the Platform:
  • Utilize the Origin Protocol platform to perform tasks and earn OGN tokens as payment. This can be a great way to “earn while you learn” and gain a deeper understanding of the platform while potentially earning additional tokens.

Origin Protocol Buying Guide

Purchasing Origin Protocol Token involves a few key steps:

  1. Choosing an Exchange:
  • Origin Protocol Token is available on several exchanges, including Binance and Select an exchange that best suits your needs in terms of fees, security, and user interface.
  1. Setting Up an Account:
  • Set up an account on the chosen exchange. This typically involves providing personal information and going through a verification process.
  1. Selecting Payment Methods:
  • Link a payment method to your account. Most exchanges accept bank transfers, credit cards, and sometimes even PayPal.
  1. Storing Origin Protocol Securely:
  • After purchasing OGN, store it securely. While you can keep it in your exchange wallet, a more secure option is to transfer it to a private wallet, like a hardware wallet, especially if you’re planning to hold it long-term.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Origin Protocol Have a Future?

Yes, Origin Protocol has a promising future due to its innovative approach to integrating DeFi and NFTs. Its unique products, strong partnerships, and experienced team position it well for long-term success. The continuous development of the platform and the growing adoption of blockchain technology further enhance its prospects.

Will Origin Protocol (OGN) Reach $10?

While it is difficult to predict exact prices due to the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies, reaching $10 is a possibility if Origin Protocol continues to grow and achieve significant adoption. Factors such as technological advancements, market trends, and regulatory developments will play a crucial role in determining its future price.

Is Origin Protocol Secure?

Origin Protocol is built on the Ethereum blockchain, which is known for its robust security features. The platform is continuously working towards decentralization and has a strong focus on security. However, like all cryptocurrencies, it is important for users to follow best practices for securing their tokens, such as using private wallets and enabling two-factor authentication.


Origin Protocol holds significant potential in the rapidly evolving DeFi and NFT sectors. Its innovative products, strong partnerships, and experienced team make it an intriguing project worth monitoring and potentially investing in for those interested in the convergence of gaming and decentralized finance. However, the volatile and unpredictable nature of the cryptocurrency market necessitates staying informed and cautious. As with all investments, potential investors should conduct thorough research and consider their risk tolerance before investing in Origin Protocol or any other cryptocurrency.

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